The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

The Renewal of the Social Organism
GA 24

Culture, politics, economics — these are the three core activities of society. Social health depends on the harmonious interworking of these three activities which, Steiner says, is possible only if they are sufficiently autonomous so each can find its own essential character. In his foreword, Joseph Weizenbaum observes that the framers of the U.S. Constitution understood this, at least in part, when they developed the constitutional doctrine of separation of church and state.

These essays cover a range of issues with special attention to money, the division of labor, human motivation, and education. They offer refreshing insights into the nature of modern society as well as guidance for solving today's pressing social problems.

An Introduction to Waldorf Education

This essay was written during 1919. In the Collected edition of Rudolf Steiner's works, the volume containing the German texts is entitled, Aufsatze Uber die Dreigleiderung der sozialen organismus und zur Zeitlage 1915-1921 (Vol. 24 in the Bibliographic Survey, 1961). It was translated from the German by E. Bowen-Wedgewood; the translation was revised by Frederick Amrine.

Reordering of Society

An exerpt taken from: “Understanding the Human Being”, selected writings of Rudolf Steiner, Edited by Richard Seddon, Rudolf Steiner Press, Bristol, 1993.

The Renewal of the Social Organism (1985)

The articles presented in this volume were written during 1919 and 1920. In the Collected Edition of Rudolf Steiner's works, the volume containing the German texts is entitled, Aufsätze Über die Dreigliederung des sozialen organismus und zur Zeitlage 1915–1921 (Vol. 24 in the Bibliographic Survey, 1961.). They were translated from the German by E. Bowen-Wedgewood and Ruth Mariott; the translation was revised by Frederick Amrine. The publication of the printed volume was made possible by a grant from the Dietrich V. Asten Memorial Fund.

The Threefold Order of the Body Social I

In the social ferment of postwar Europe in 1919, Steiner presented his ideas about reforming the basis of society in three fundamental, autonomous spheres: economic, political/rights, and cultural. For a short time he worked to bring his ideas into practical application but it soon became impossible to bring about a “threefold social order” and he withdrew from the outer work in this area. His ideas have been worked with over the decades since that time and have proved to be just as valid today as they were then. In this volume is the Introduction to the 2nd German edition of “The Threefold Commonwealth,” GA 23, and an address given by Dr. Rudolf Steiner at a meeting of the League for the Threefold Social Order in Stuttgart, 31st May 1919, entitled, The Impulse Towards the Threefold Order: No Utopia, but the Practical Demand of the Hour (vol. 24 in the Bibliographic Survey).

The Threefold Order of the Body Social II

In the social ferment of postwar Europe in 1919, Steiner presented his ideas about reforming the basis of society in three fundamental, autonomous spheres: economic, political/rights, and cultural. For a short time he worked to bring his ideas into practical application but it soon became impossible to bring about a “threefold social order” and he withdrew from the outer work in this area. His ideas have been worked with over the decades since that time and have proved to be just as valid today as they were then. In this second volume are presented two addresses given by Dr. Steiner at study evenings in the year 1920. The first lecture, given on September 15th, is from GA 335, and the second lecture is from GA 337.

Thoughts during the Time of War

In the collected edition of Rudolf Steiner's works in German, the volume containing the German text is entitled, Gedanken während der Zeit des Krieges. Fuer Deutsche und diejenigen, die nicht glauben, sie hassen zu muessen. (Vol. 19 in the Bibliographic Survey). GA019 no longer exists. It is now in GA 24, The Renewal of the Social Organism, (essays on the threefold social organism in the years of 1915–1921). This translator of this book is Danial Hafner. Thanks to him for making this volume available to the world.

Aufsätze uber die Dreigliederung des sozialen Organismus

Den Kern dieses Bandes bilden Zeitschriftenaufsätze aus den Jahren 1919 - 1921, die Rudolf Steiner noch selbst unter dem Titel "In Ausführung der Dreigliederung des sozialen Organismus" als Buch herausgegeben hatte. Sie beleuchten sozialistische Theorien, den Marxismus,die weltgeschichtlichen Ereignisse und Begriffsbildungen dieser für die weitere Entwicklung so entscheidend gewordenen Jahre.

Andere Beiträge behandeln die Anwendung der Dreigliederungsidee im praktischen Leben. Ergänzend sind Aufsätze aus der Zeit des Weltkrieges hinzugenommen, ferner Artikel aus Tageszeitungen, Aufrufe, Memoranden usw., in denen sich die "Dreigliederungsbewegung" spiegelt.